Wow! When I sit back and look at just how far I have come with my business, my achievements are huge, I have won awards, I have increased my product line massively, I have worked with Charities to help severely disabled children and most of all I have helped support many children enjoy riding like any able-bodied child. When I decided to make a harness for my own beautiful daughter Matilda, I only did it to solve an issue I had with her safety in the saddle.
After I had made a harness, I popped it in a drawer as I didn’t think for one minute anyone would buy it. How silly was I. My harness sat in that draw for many months and if it wasn’t for my bestie I wouldn’t be where I am today.
So where are we today, we currently have 10 products for sale on our website and that is slowly growing. I am constantly working to create new products, but creating new products is not a 5-minute job. I have some amazing manufacturers and they just get me. When I contact them with my ideas and leave it with them, I know they understand what I’m trying to achieve and they work hard to create a top-quality product that will serve its purpose.
Creating new products is also a very costly process. I can have products amended several times and this comes at quite a high cost. I am always conscious about getting my products correct so they don’t fail and that the quality is super high.
So where are we going, I want to be the one stop shop for all products for the young and disabled rider. We want people to know the Equihandee name and feel they can contact us and we will deliver. We want to stock as many products as we can to assist riders so they enjoy themselves in the saddle safely and comfortably like everyone should.
We are also super excited to be teamed up with the Para Equestrian Foundation, Di, Jo and their team do an amazing job and the opening of the doors for the Scholarships recently saw a huge response and many riders signed up for this amazing opportunity. This partnership will benefit so many people and we are truly looking forward to the future with the Para Equestrian Foundation
We simply cannot wait for the future of Equihandee to unfold, don’t forget to sign up for our mailing list, we wont scam you, we send out fortnightly emails with information on our products and the latest news.
If anyone has any ideas for products that might help their riders then please do contact us